We invite you to join us Monday, January 8, 2024 through Sunday, January 14, 2024 in prayer and fasting! Simply view our prayer schedule below and pray with us on one accord, in your own time.
Day 1 - Take time to worship and revere GOD - Psalm 63:1-6, Isaiah 25:1
Day 2 - Pray for the lost, unbelievers, the wicked, backslidden, lukewarm, compromised, etc. Pray hearts are changed. Spiritual blindness is removed. Renewed minds in Christ Jesus.
Luke 13:3, Luke 9:23, John 3:3-6, Romans 12:2, Colossians 3:2
Day 3 - Pray for deliverance from all forms of idolatry and following the world. Repentance and renouncing of all secret societies, fraternal orders, and the like. Psalm 135:15-18, 1 John 2:15-16
Day 4 - Pray for The Church (Body of Christ) - 1 Peter 4:17, Revelation 2-3, 2 Timothy 3:12
Pray for all church leaders. Pray false teachers and prophets/wolves in sheep's clothing are exposed and brought down. Pray against apathy. Pray for the persecuted in all nations.
Day 5 - Deliverance from sin, rebellion, ungodliness. Pray for holiness and purity. Pray against all forms of sexual immorality and perversion. Pray against abortion/modern-day human sacrifice to Molech. Mark 7:20-23, 1 Thess. 4:7, 1 Corinthians 6:18, Psalm 127:3
Day 6 - Pray for marriages, families, children, godly friendships. Biblical marriage (one man and one women). Pray against feminism and the attack on men in the world today. Pray for protection of our children (pray against pedophilia, molestation, physical abuse, indoctrination, etc.)
Ephesians 5:22-33, Mathew 18:6 and 19:14, 1 Corinthians 15:33
Day 7 - Pray for the nations and all leaders in government. Pray for schools and teachers. Pray for law enforcement, firefighters, paramedics, etc. 1 Timothy 2:1-2
For those unaware, Biblical fasting is abstaining from food and/or liquids for a specific period of time while focusing on prayer and fellowship with The Most High God. The three main type of fasts are:
Absolute Fast (no food or water)
Complete Fast (only drinking liquids)
Partial Fast (refrain from eating for a short period time or only eating certain foods referred to as the "Daniel Fast" based on Daniel 1:12 and 10:2-3)
During fasting, eliminating distractions is also important; therefore, it's best to take a break from social media, internet, television, etc., in order to direct your focus on prayer and God's Word.
Note: Fasting should be done prayerfully and thoughtfully. If you have any kind of medical condition, such as pregnant or nursing, be sure to consult your physician.