“And when He had come into the house, His disciples asked Him privately, “Why could we not cast it out?” So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” - Mark 9:28-29
Many want to see their family and friends truly give their life to Christ, to repent and turn from sin and rebellion, to fully denounce the secret societies/fraternities & sororities they are in, however you’re not praying AND fasting. This is a reminder ONLY JESUS can save, can change hearts, can provide increase. We must continue to speak truth and plant seeds, however, do not neglect to also fast and pray. The world is becoming more and more evil with each passing day, and deception is very much deepening. Take time NOW to put down the plate, step away from social media, turn off the television, get off the phone, etc, to fast and pray! “Seek the LORD while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near.” - Isaiah 55:6
We encourage you to pray for true repentance, pray for hearts to be softened and scales removed so one can receive the truth of God’s Word, pray for people to come out of the world and seeking to be like it, pray for full submission to Jesus Christ in EVERY AREA. Pray for The Lord to reveal areas in your own life HE is not pleased with, like things you keep holding onto which need to be completely separated from. Maybe some of you who come to our site, have renounced a secret society, but you haven’t taken the steps to fully withdraw, it’s very much time to do that.
It’s time to close any and EVERY door to the enemy that has been opened.